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New School in Honduras and More...

Teguc Opening 2019

New School Starts in Tegucigalpa

Due to the generosity of several donors and churches, our new Christian school, Lifeline Christian Academy, just opened in Tegucigalpa! On the dedication night, 21 students, their parents, and the school staff joined in celebrating and praising God for His provision.

The school started with a preschool and kindergarten class, and each year, another grade will be added. The school is investing in this generation with a Christian education and the students will be taught English, which will be a huge asset to them as they look toward higher education and future employment.

Darwyn Sanchez, Lifeline’s Director of Schools in Honduras, shared, “We appreciate all of our donors and supporters; thank you very much for your investment in God’s kingdom! The most important thing is that more people will know about Jesus and His church through the school!”

HO first day of school 2019

First Day of School in Honduras

February 4 was the first day of the 2019 school year! Teachers were busy preparing for the new year, and the students were excited to be back.

We ask your prayers for each student, family, teacher, and staff member. Please pray that Christ is the center of every day this school year!

Fun fact: Did you know? The school year in Honduras is February - November!

 Valentine HO 2019

Valentine’s Day = "The Day of Love and Friendship"

Students in Honduras enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day, which they call “The Day of Love and Friendship.”

The students shared snacks, while some had a gift exchange. The middle and high school students also had a devotional about true friendship.

Hugs from Honduras!

Omoa VBS 2019

Omoa Girls Teach VBS at Omoa Christian Church

The girls from the Omoa Children’s Home held a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for 3 days at the Omoa Christian Church. Each day, 60-70 kids came to hear about following Jesus! 

We are thankful for our girls at the Omoa Children's Home who taught, loved, played, and served with their whole hearts. They displayed great love for the kids in community.

Please pray for the seeds that were planted. Pray also for our girls...may they continue to have a passion to serve and share Christ's love!