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Launching a rocket

by Brian Snyder, Arizona Mission Director

I was recently thinking of a rocket being shot off in space.

As I was thinking of that, I remembered watching how it would take incredible effort through the fuel and engines to just get off the ground. As it was nearing space, it would jettison parts that were no longer useful to continue its flight. It was a dangerous mission and a lot of planning, finances, risk and effort went into that one launch. 

It reminds me a lot of what is happening here in the Arizona ministry.

Over the last six years it has taken incredible effort to launch us into a good direction. The work has taken incredible effort on everyone's part to make sure we were moving in a positive direction. A lot of risk, preparation, financial resources and human effort was used to get us to where we are today.

Saying all that though, it was God who gave us the direction, the resources, the strength, the hope and the vision to get us to where we are. God is the one (the fuel) and so much more to get us to where we are.

This effort did cause us to jettison some things (whether we wanted to or not) that allowed us to stay on course and become even more dependent on Him! We are at a place now, where we find ourselves with incredible opportunity before us, but we know that the effort needed, the financial resources needed and our dependence on God cannot falter.

God has given us an opportunity through the city of Winslow, Arizona to purchase a new building for only $189,000. Yes, there will be renovations, but we first have to secure the building. The city is also gifting us 13 acres with this purchase for future growth of the school. The building is approximately 14,000 square feet and was previously used as a school for years prior.

The city of Winslow has given us six months to raise the funds and we are nearing the end of that time. Closing is scheduled for November 28th and we are only at $82,000 raised.

I know that God can pull this off with your help, and we need your help to get us through this next stage.

There is so much before us and the vision for what this brings is breathtaking! To be able to move the school to Winslow provides incredible opportunity for reaching and making disciples for Jesus Christ. Yes, this is a school, but we see this more of an equipping and sending center that reaches students, parents and even the community with this hope of Jesus. Community outreach, church planting, rehabilitation, Kingdom education through the school, life skills training, vocational training, sports ministry, and so much more cause us to get excited about how this move launches us even closer to incredible dreams God has been giving us.

There is still risk, there is still effort needed, but the financial sacrifice right now is critical to keep us from falling backwards and burning on re-entry.

Please consider making a donation today - before the November 28th - deadline to keep this dream and vision from God alive.

We trust Him for the provisions needed, but we also want you to have the opportunity to come alongside us by being used by God to bring this dream to reality. Thank you for your financial commitment to keeping God's Kingdom advancing out here in Arizona!